This is a website made by myself, Brando Mora, and Samuel Morrero as a final project for COP3530 Data Structures and Algorithms.
It uses a dataset of over 160k songs compiled from the Spotify API to display song recommendations using a network visualizer.
The song graph is generated using properties such as danceability, energy, and release year.
The website uses HTTP requests and Google Firebase functions to request songs from a Google Firestore database.
I designed the frontend of the site using Bootstrap 4 for the interface, and D3.js for the network visualizer.
This project was voted the best project out of 50 others by the class.
It is currently available at
Library Database
This is a desktop, Java-based application designed for the administration of a library's members and books.
It was designed and programmed by myself, Eric Rabil, and Andre Roberts at Wharton High School for our Technology Student Assosiation club.
The application displays tables of the library's books and members, and allows the user to show details of each book and library member.
This was the first application I ever worked on, and I built most of the frontend and user interface using JavaFX.
I worked on this application while I was first learning how to program with Java in AP Computer Science during my Senior year at Wharton High School.
This project is available on github.
I graduated from the University of Florida in May 2022 with a Bachelors of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.
I am currently working as a software engineer at Raytheon Missiles Defense and looking for ways to advance my career in the aerospace field.